Tuesday, November 27, 2012

33 Weeks :: The Gray Hair

On Saturday I hit 33 weeks.  Time seems to have slowed down a little bit as I feel it is taking forever to get from one week mark to the next!  I only have 7 more weeks to go, and boy am I getting excited and nervous!

In the next 6 weeks I have a lot to get done:

1.  Buy the last things I need for Declan that I didn't receive at my baby shower.
2.  Organize all the stuff I have for Declan.
3.  Finish decorating Declan's room (curtains, a couple of wall decorations, etc.).
4.  Set up bassinet.
5.  Buy/DIY nursing clothes/stuff for myself.
6.  Christmas.
7.  Pack a hospital bag.

Thankfully, all of our classes will be done after this week--what a relief!  As this pregnancy-thing gets more uncomfortable and difficult, I will be glad to be done with the night classes.  They really wear me out.  Even though I've learned a lot of valuable information through them and find a sense of camaraderie with the other couples (especially the other couple that is due the same day and same hospital as us with a boy!), it is still rough to make it through my week with my limited energy stores that are not adequately restocked when I sleep at night.

I feel a bit more achey lately as well as slightly restless.  I find it difficult to concentrate.  My in-laws visited us this weekend.  They just returned from spending two months serving in a ministry in Israel and it was nice to catch up with them...even if I didn't feel like doing much.  Bummer, but I just have to remind myself that it won't be this way forever.

I crave random things at random times; it's pretty much just whatever sounds good at that particular moment...for the past few days (what with Thanksgiving and all) it's been homemade mashed potatoes...complete with a whole stick of butter and the little lumps you can never fully get out of them. Maybe, if I have energy, I will make some tonight.

I am noticing a certain envy creeping into my daily routine...I watch my husband easily bend over to feed the cats, I see someone flop onto their back in a movie, I see someone laying on their stomach on a TV show...I think it means I am getting eager to be able to do "normal" things again and to be back to just myself in my body!

And finally, I found a gray hair this week.  I think it might be the same one I've pulled out a couple of times already but I will jokingly say that this kid is making me fall apart!  Crazy hair growth in unexpected places (like my tummy!), grunting when I sit or stand up, peeing all the time, slightly swollen ankles, crazy dry skin, tired all the time, uncontrollable emotions, crying when happy, crying when sad (I did BOTH yesterday!), easily irritated, the list goes on and on...I just seriously remind myself that this won't last forever (even though SOME insensitive people tell me that it will), this is a stage of life; or a phase if you will.

I still feel very pretty and am glad that I don't have to care much about my look to still feel like I look good.  It feels w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l.  Absolutely wonderful!

Declan update:  He is just over 4 pounds (think the weight of a pineapple!) and has passed the 17-inch mark from head to toe!  He is continuing to put on weight and look more and more like a newborn instead of a wrinkled old man!  His skeleton is hardening as well.  Phew!  This is one hard-working little guy.  And he's strong too!  More and more I can see (and Ryan can feel and is amazed by) those knees or elbows traveling across my belly from one side to the other.  I still find it funny.  Not so funny when he kicks my bladder, though.  Thankfully, he has only done that a few times.

I can't wait to see this little guy's face for real and see how much he looks like his daddy (which I hope is a LOT!) and to hold him and sing to him and hear the sweet songs that Ryan is going to make up for him and about him and to get to know his personality.

I am nervous about labor and delivery but have to remind myself that God would not have brought me to this place if I wasn't capable of doing it with His help.  It seems like the more I learn about L&D the more freaked out I get, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I think that is going to be my "mantra"that I will have to continue to repeat to myself.  I will also have to make a conscious effort to remember those things I am looking forward to about meeting Declan to bring me through.

Unfortunately, due to continued technical difficulties, I will not be able to do a pregnant picture update this week either...hopefully by next week I will be able to catch everyone up!  Thanks for taking the time to check in on us!




  1. Hope you enjoyed your gifts we sent up sorry I didn't send it with a card. I hope you enjoyed the books and dvd. Wendy

    1. Yes, Wendy! They are lovely gifts! Thank you so much! I will get a "Thank You" card out to you eventually...they are turning out to be much more difficult as I go on. Particularly remembering who got us what... :)
