Wednesday, November 21, 2012

32 Weeks :: The Big Conspiracy

This past Saturday I reached the 32 week mark!  I am so excited that I am 8 months along!

Now for the big conspiracy:  40 weeks is considered a full-term pregnancy...that is 10 months!  I don't know about you but I thought a pregnancy lasted 9 months...what a conspiracy!  They shouldn't start counting until I hit the "4-week" mark or they should change society's view of pregnancy as being 10 months!  It's so rude of them to steal my only-9-months-of-pregnancy {apparent} delusion!

Saturday was also my baby shower!  Yay!  I'm pretty sure it was the best baby shower I've ever been to--though, that could be because it was mine and not someone else's.  I got some pretty awesome gifts. I'm hoping to load a few pics soon from the shower to showcase how awesome my friends are to put this on for me, and to do such a stellar job!

My mom and sister visited and we did some baby shopping to pick up some items I didn't get at the shower that I will need sooner than later--a crib mattress and a car seat.  It was a lot of fun to have them here for the shower and to catch up.  My sister is pretty much the funniest person on the planet, so I always get a good laugh around her--even when she's making fun of me!

This week was an eventful week--I had my first Braxton-Hicks contractions.  I can tell you, they're NOT fun.  It felt like someone was squeezing my belly from the two sides and was sustained for longer than a "normal" contraction.  When I told my doctor that I think I had the B-H pains, she responded, "Good."  I found that amusing.  Thankfully, the B-H pains went away a little after I lay down or after I changed positions.  If all contraction are like those, then I start to question my ability to cope with the pain like I'm hoping I can...

I am pretty sure that Declan stretched out sideways at one point last week--rather uncomfortable.

Due to some technical difficulties, I will not be able to update my pregnancy photo this week.  Hopefully, it will be resolved in a week or so and I can continue my picture updates.

Finally, to update you on Declan!  He is at least 3.75 pounds and approximately 16.7 inches long.  Apparently, he'll gain a third of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb.  I am excited to meet this little guy, learn about his personality, and truly see his face.

We took an Infant Care Class on Monday and it was a good class, I'm glad we took it.  We got to see a real baby (less than 36 hours old!) get a bath!  It was a tremendously informative experience and the little guy was soooooooo cute!  He sounded like a little lamb!  It almost made me cry at his cuteness.  It made me more excited for Declan.

Anywho, I suppose that's it for now.  Happy Thanksgiving to all, enjoy the time with family or friends--I know I will!



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