Saturday, November 10, 2012

Project Nursery :: Declan Wall Deco

This is the third installment of my Project Nursery "series."  Today, I have another Pinterest-inspired project to show you!

My original inspiration (or, pinspiration!) courtesy of Dersken Photography:

How mine turned out: 

I still have to add the crib to mine and based on the wall space available and the height of the crib, I don't think I'll be able to add a shelf like the inspiration.  But that's ok with me.

First, we went to JoAnn Fabrics and picked out some letters that I liked the look of.  Ryan and I tested the look out multiple times by laying out the letters on the floor!  We must've looked a tad bit c-r-a-z-y!!!  I don't mind, I just blame everything on pregnancy...

Next, I went to Goodwill & our local St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store and picked out some {cheap} frames that I thought would do nicely to frame the letters.

After that, I went to Home Depot and found a dark gray spray paint that would cover wood, plastic, and metal; as my frames were of various materials.  

Then I went to Walmart and chose various shades of blue acrylic paint.  I chose various shades because then it is more likely that the "random" things that I choose for the nursery (sheets, other accessories) would "match" and then I don't have to worry so much about everything being the same color blue (a propensity I know I have if I didn't plan accordingly).

Finally, I went through the vintage sheet music I had acquired, finding a beautiful book of advanced trumpet exercises.  

I painted the letters and my mom spray painted the frames.  I then cut the sheet music to fit just inside the frames and got out finishing nails and sticky-poster-tack. After all this prep work, I was ready to put it all up together.  I used the sticky-poster-tack to attach the sheet music to the wall, then used the finishing nails to support the letter at the center of the sheet music and finally put up nails to hold the frames.  This sounds easy, but for my pregnancy-addle pated brain, it was no easy task.  I was quickly frustrated to tears but persevered {with a little help from my wonderful hubby} and I am pleased with the outcome!

That's about it for this installment of Project Nursery.  I hope you enjoyed and thanks for keeping up with us!

Much love!


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