It is my conjecture that the Princess in the story of the Princess and the Pea must've somehow been pregnant. I know that's not in the story and not proper but I shall explain my hypothesis below.
I mentioned before that I broke down and bought an expensive pillow to help me sleep. I got it Tuesday in the mail and wanted to give it three consecutive nights of testing to see how it was working out...
First Night Observations:
I stayed in bed all night. One point for the pillow.
My hips hurt less than they did sleeping on the couch. Another point for the pillow.
When sleeping on one side, it was like the pillow was perfect and I got about three hours of blissful sleep. Third point for the pillow.
However, when I slept on my other side, it took forever to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. One point for the pregnancy-induced sleeplessness.
Sometimes, it was uncomfortable on my neck and, strangely, I had a hard time keeping whichever ear was on the pillow from folding on itself, thereby causing a new kind of pain. Another point for the pregnancy-induced sleeplessness.
So, after one night, the pillow is winning. We shall see how night number two goes.
Second Night Observations:
I managed to stay in bed all night. One point for the pillow.
My hips hurt all through the night, causing lots of restless sleep. One point pregnancy-induced sleeplessness.
I couldn't seem to find a comfortable position to sleep more than an hour or two at a time. One point P-I sleeplessness.
And, my neck hurt so much when I woke up that I was uncomfortable and crabby all day. Another point for the P-I sleeplessness.
Now, the pillow and sleeplessness were neck-in-neck, with me leaning toward buying a different pillow and trying my expensive experiment all over again.
Third Night Observations: (I'm getting to the Princess and the Pea part, bear with me a little longer!)
About an hour into being in bed trying to sleep, I had a realization that maybe the pockets on my sleepy pants were causing some of the hip pain. After removing them the pain decreased substantially. Facepalm. The hip pain coincided with me sleeping in said pants because we had people at our house, then because I was visiting my parents and did not want to be seen in my shorty-shorts on one of my middle-of-the-night bathroom trips.
The next piece of brilliance that God put into my head was that if my neck was sore, I should put something under it to support it. So, I curled up a bit of blanket and stuck it under my neck and voila...neck pain relief so sweet!
After these two revelations, I got two-and-a-half hours of blissful rest again. Then, my husband came to bed and I had the hardest time falling back asleep due to a number of complicating factors. After that, I slept for a full four hours in a row of good sleep. Four hours. That has been unheard of for quite some time...weeks even. I was ecstatic. So happy I couldn't sleep any more.
So, apparently, if any part of my body is even slightly uncomfortable, I cannot sleep. Pockets causing intense hip pain, really? That is why I think that the Princess must've been pregnant. I was pretty sure that if I had a pea under my mattress last night I would not have been able to sleep either. But my husband had better not test me if he reads this post, I would be most severely peeved if he tried it and I couldn't sleep. Sleep is too important to me now.
So, please rejoice with me in this news and with bated breath count down the days and hours until we can find out if the Mini-Miller is a boy or a girl. Things are looking up. I may just go back to bed for the sheer ability to do so...and sleep the day away! That sounds quite delightful to me right now...and I feel I've earned it.
I will have a picture for you early next week (maybe TWO pictures!!!!!) and a wonderful announcement, assuming all goes well.
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