Well, this past week has been interesting to say the least.
I was woken up by my husband saying "Cake Bomb" to me around 3:00 am last Thursday night...I've felt stretching and changing, I believe that I now have a "baby belly" instead of just a "regular belly" and I hit the 17 week mark on Saturday.
What I find interesting are the dreams I'm having now...sometimes they have former coworkers that I am no longer in touch with or old school friends that I only see on Facebook. They are fascinating! The other night I dreamed that, for some unknown reason, Ryan was not around when I went into labor...in fact, NO ONE was around...so in this strange world (very deepest dream world of the movie Inception...ironic) I gave birth all by myself. Then I found people, including my husband, and showed off my new baby and told them they were right--labor wasn't so bad, I didn't even really remember it!
I also dreamed that I was in JC Penny (somewhere I rarely go) shopping for baby clothes with a girl I graduated high school with that I haven't seen since I graduated! So strange. I've had others, my hubby and I were spies...though, I don't think that one was triggered by the "cake bomb" comment.
Oh, just to have this documented somewhere...Ryan also, about 4 weeks ago, shouted "GO!" at my face when I was sleeping...maybe that is the cause of my sleeplessness??? My adrenaline was pumping so hard, I asked him what had happened. No response. Well, he was breathing, but that wasn't the response I was looking for. So, I said his name...then again...then angrily...then I shook him awake and asked him what was going on. He told me he was dreaming. Great. In 8 years of marriage, I have never witnessed him talk in his sleep. Pregnancy doesn't just do strange things to me...but to him as well! That is an unexpected side effect.
So, 17 weeks...I'm actually to the point of being so forgetful that I had to put reminders into my iPod to tell me what week I'm at! Sad, really. Oh well, I'm hoping that my brain will eventually go back to "normal" and I will stop saying that I'm forgetful. A girl can dream.
Amusing story...so, early last week I discovered an angry red line extending out both sides of my belly button about a half-inch. It hurt and was itchy and so I put some lotion on it to "heal" whatever had happened.
After a few days, I turned to Ryan and said, "Hey, I have this strange red line extending from my belly button, want to see it? I don't know what it is."
He agreed, and after studying it for a minute, very gently told me that he thinks they're stretch marks! I told him it would be cool, then, if they would extend equally around my belly button and form a sun "tattoo"! If I'm going to have more stretch marks, I might as well enjoy it, right? I am going to try not to get too bent out of shape about them.
This week the Mini-Miller is 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces! No wonder I feel more pregnant!
And, since I now feel comfortable sharing "bump" pictures......remember, I had a belly before, so it may take a while to notice any difference. Even though I already do. :) Also, another unexpected pregnancy side effect: acne. :(
I think that's about it for now.
Signing off!
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