Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's Been So Long...So Much To Write!

The past couple of weeks have been busy, I will explain below.

I got some sad news last week:  my grandmother is growing weaker.  She was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer earlier this year and underwent surgery to remove her colon, replacing it with a colostomy bag, and she has undergone one full round of chemo and is in round two.

She is hardly eating anything, because it all tastes terrible, and fell the week before last.  We are not incredibly close, but I still love her and feel that the loss of her would be quite indescribable.  I will be traveling two-and-a-half hours this weekend to say my good-byes.

I also was walking at work and felt a pop in my right knee--not the one I had surgery on almost two years ago.  It swelled up a bit and I think I know what happened:  my kneecap moved sideways (called a sublux).  I had a similar experience with my left knee two-and-a-half years ago and so I freaked out at this a little bit.

At least this time I knew what to do:  Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.  So I did.  That was more than a week ago, and after much prayer and rest I am happy to report that the pain has subsided for the most part.  So, I will continue my current regimen of icing and elevating (elevating is good for my pregnant legs and ankles anyway) and resting so that I can slowly add in exercises to strengthen those muscles and the muscles in my hips (as the physical therapist taught me to do last time) and continue to pray that I do not have more knee problems while pregnant, as I do not think I could handle that right now.  Oh, and if you want to pray for me as well, that is much appreciated.  :)

I got another head cold.  While my in-laws were here helping us fix up some nagging problems around the house.  Which, while it was such a blessing to have them here helping, I would have much rather been able to help out too...instead of laying around struggling to breathe!  These colds during pregnancy are quite insufferable!

Sleep is still a huuuuuuuge problem.  Four hours just simply is not enough for me.  So I broke down this week and spent a TON of money on a pillow...that got good reviews and I am hoping will be able to support me as I need in order to get said sleep; preferably in my bed.  I can sleep ok on the couch, but long term I don't feel that is sustainable.  Plus, I miss my hubby at night. :(  I should receive my pillow in the mail in the next week...I've never been so excited for a pillow before!

Hmmm, after all that sad news above, I feel that you've earned an amusing story for bearing with me thus here goes:

I had to stop and pick up a pane of glass to fix a back door in our home.  So, I stopped at the glass company (which shall remain nameless!) and noticed that it was rather nice, well nicer than I expected--mirrors of all shapes and sizes decorating the walls.  I approached the counter and a tall bald man helped me pay for my order.  He was nice enough.  As I stood there waiting for my payment to process, a man walked through that looked like he was from a 70's or 80's TV show...complete with bushy mustache and mullet...yes, you heard me right, a full-fledged MULLET!  I couldn't even laugh I was so stunned!

In the meantime, my payment processed and I was finished.  As I struggled to put away my receipt in my wallet along with a few others, I innocently told the bald service rep:  "I'll be out of your hair in just a minute."

I was then mortified.  Absolutely mortified; as he glared back at me and I realized what I had inadvertently said to him.  I slinked out of the store and vowed I would never return.  So far, I've been able to hold myself to that promise; as that was my first time in the store in the six-odd years we've lived in GB.

I am still able to fit into my non-maternity jeans.  They are REALLY comfortable while I'm standing up...not so much when sitting.  So I have christened them my "Standing Pants".  There is a comedian (Bob Smiley?) who tells of his wife buying shoes that are so cute, but completely uncomfortable to stand or walk in (anyone else guilty of this besides me?).  He asks her if they are her "sitting shoes" or her "chess playing shoes".  Well, they are my standing pants.

I suppose this would be the point where I would post a picture...well, I'm sorry to say that I don't have one.  Not. A. One.  I was too sick/my husband too busy this past weekend to take one.  SO, you will have one next week.  I promise.

I will give you a quickie update, though.

My energy levels fluctuate.  I am not passed-out-on-the-couch-at-5:00 pm tired any more, but I am not fully up to my pre-pregnancy energy levels either.  I do seem to have a bit more (especially in the morning) when I get more than 7 hours of I did last night.  I was positively a peach this morning!

Cravings:  I would say that since I've been sick, my desire to eat has been drastically reduced...but I sincerely wanted chocolate milk this week.  Like REALLY wanted it.  So, I would say that is my first official craving.

Other random observations:  Is it normal to have the hair on your arms and stomach start to look longer than they've ever been before?  I've never removed hair from my arms before, but I am tempted to now because it is so weirdly long.  Is that a pregnancy side-effect or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

The Mini-Miller is kicking up quite the storm lately, over the past few days, and it makes me smile every time.  I am taking joy in the little things.  Ryan is so desperate to feel the little kicks.  I do believe they are getting stronger and I am once again amazed at this experience that God has blessed me with.

I will check in soon!



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