Monday, August 13, 2012

18 Weeks, Leadership Conference, and the Church Picnic

Hello out there in blogger-land!  This week has been a very interesting one...again. I guess I should stop saying that because every week is interesting.  It was mostly good.

I hit 18 weeks on Saturday (maybe one of these days my good intentions will get the best of me and I will ACTUALLY post my weekly progress update on the day I hit it...)  But most likely not.  The Mini-Miller is about 5 1/2 inches long-- roughly the length of a bell pepper (from rump to crown).   The M-M weighs about 7 ounces and is exercising their arms & legs.  Which I am supposed to be able to feel soon...even though I suspect I already have.  Not a lot, just occasionally.  :)

I had the opportunity to attend the Willow Creek Association Leadership Summit via simulcast in Appleton last Thursday and Friday and I definitely got some things out of it.  Although, I don't know what it is about watching people speak that brings out the Mystery-Science-Theater-3000-Robot in me...I just can't help poking some fun at the people who spoke.

Particularly Condoleezza Rice.  God bless her, she was mildly interesting and obviously VERY well educated, intelligent and articulate, but her right hand was stuck in the same position for most of her speech.  Slightly stretched out as if she was holding a coffee mug.  Which I found hilarious...particularly when she waved it back and forth in front of her.  I actually had to lean over to one of my pastors and seriously ask if something had happened to her to keep her hand frozen that way.

After that, I took one of my 8-10 bathroom breaks that day (I'm not kidding) and since we were "smart" enough to sit on the opposite side of the church's sanctuary from where the bathrooms were...I was gone for at least 7 minutes each time.  I think I almost spent more time in the bathroom as I did in the sanctuary watching the simulcast.  I had a lot of fun, though, and most enjoyed asking for and listening to my pastors' opinions on what we had heard.

In other news, I had my first pregnancy cold, which was awful, and contributed to many sleepless nights.  But, I'm much better now and actually experienced almost perfect sleep the other night--slept for 4 hours, got up to use the bathroom, returned to bed and FELL BACK ASLEEP ALMOST RIGHT AWAY, then slept for about 4 more felt heavenly, as I have not gotten that much sleep in ages.  Or at least it feels that way.

I also coordinated and led our church picnic this past Sunday.  It was a success!  Though pretty exhausting.  And, I got sunburned (which could have contributed to the exhausting-factor).  Writing this just reminded me to put some {more} aloe on it.  So, if I look a little red in the update picture that I'm sure you're all just dying to see that's why.  I tried smiling this week, so it looked less like a mug shot...maybe next time I'll even look at the camera and make a silly face...that is, if I remember.

That's about all for now.  I'm sure more interesting things happened, but sadly I cannot remember.  :'(

I do have a doctor appointment tomorrow and afterward we will set up the appointment for finding out the Mini-Miller's gender.  I am beyond excited for that.  I know that they will look at other things too, like the heart, lungs, and brain.  But I trust that God has set those things in the order they are supposed to be.  This was not my plan or in my timing, but nothing in my life is out of His hands and plan and control.  So, I choose to trust Him and thank him for this miracle that is growing inside of me.

I am excited for all that this week has to offer.



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