We listened to the Mini-Miller's heartbeat (150's she said), I complained about my difficulties in actually sleeping, for which the doctor provided no answer (I didn't expect her to) and then went to the Ultrasound Department to schedule THE ultrasound where we will find out the Mini-Miller's name!!!
I wait with bated breath for Wednesday, September 5 at 8:30 am. I think I would've been able to find out sooner if the stupid Labor Day weekend hadn't messed things up for me. Oh foo bunnies!
Oh, and some of those interesting things I forgot to post about yesterday: I managed to put both my phone and sunglasses into my refrigerator overnight...I hope I haven't ruined my phone. Though, I suspect I might have and our contract isn't up until January...and I refuse to buy a new phone. Refuse.
My energy level seems to have gone up a little bit. A teensy-tiny bit, even though I'm still not sleeping well. Sorry to sound like a broken record and if anyone has suggestions, I am all ears....particularly if they don't cost too much money!
Cravings: whatever food combination that comes into my head consisting of ingredients we do not have at home...even when we have a refrigerator full of food (and, apparently other odds and ends that do not belong in there) and my husband has just gone grocery shopping. Oh, and beans, black beans, chili-with-beans, refried beans...but, as I stated in a previous post, beans are from the devil right now...so I cannot have them. But they pretty much sound good all the time. I know, I'm strange. Deal with it...I have to!
Other random observations: When I stop and think about it, what is going on inside of me is pretty amazing. Pretty durn amazing what God is doing in and to my body.
The whole memory-loss thing is irritating and somewhat selective. I wish people in general were better at finishing my sentences. They need to work on that. :)
I think I've felt the M-M move this week. Like REALLY move.
I've read that others describe it as a "popping/gas/bubble" type dealio, but get ready for my description of what I've felt so far: it's like a heartbeat in another part of my body, only it doesn't match my heartbeat (I checked). And it was happening when I was leaning forward, probably making the M-M VERY uncomfortable.
Have you ever had that happen to you? When I described it to my hubby, he instinctively reached over and put his had on my belly (ironically, WAY too high) and said that he understood what I was talking about. If not, chalk it up to the craziness that I've already admitted to.
I'll let you know if anything else interesting happens this week...but probably not until next week...if I remember. :)
Other random observations: When I stop and think about it, what is going on inside of me is pretty amazing. Pretty durn amazing what God is doing in and to my body.
The whole memory-loss thing is irritating and somewhat selective. I wish people in general were better at finishing my sentences. They need to work on that. :)
I think I've felt the M-M move this week. Like REALLY move.
I've read that others describe it as a "popping/gas/bubble" type dealio, but get ready for my description of what I've felt so far: it's like a heartbeat in another part of my body, only it doesn't match my heartbeat (I checked). And it was happening when I was leaning forward, probably making the M-M VERY uncomfortable.
Have you ever had that happen to you? When I described it to my hubby, he instinctively reached over and put his had on my belly (ironically, WAY too high) and said that he understood what I was talking about. If not, chalk it up to the craziness that I've already admitted to.
I'll let you know if anything else interesting happens this week...but probably not until next week...if I remember. :)
I gotta say, I'm pretty good at the finishing your sentences thing...or just reading your mind in general. ;) I can't wait until Sept 5th! We should have a baby name reveal party!