It is my conjecture that the Princess in the story of the Princess and the Pea must've somehow been pregnant. I know that's not in the story and not proper but I shall explain my hypothesis below.
I mentioned before that I broke down and bought an expensive pillow to help me sleep. I got it Tuesday in the mail and wanted to give it three consecutive nights of testing to see how it was working out...
First Night Observations:
I stayed in bed all night. One point for the pillow.
My hips hurt less than they did sleeping on the couch. Another point for the pillow.
When sleeping on one side, it was like the pillow was perfect and I got about three hours of blissful sleep. Third point for the pillow.
However, when I slept on my other side, it took forever to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. One point for the pregnancy-induced sleeplessness.
Sometimes, it was uncomfortable on my neck and, strangely, I had a hard time keeping whichever ear was on the pillow from folding on itself, thereby causing a new kind of pain. Another point for the pregnancy-induced sleeplessness.
So, after one night, the pillow is winning. We shall see how night number two goes.
Second Night Observations:
I managed to stay in bed all night. One point for the pillow.
My hips hurt all through the night, causing lots of restless sleep. One point pregnancy-induced sleeplessness.
I couldn't seem to find a comfortable position to sleep more than an hour or two at a time. One point P-I sleeplessness.
And, my neck hurt so much when I woke up that I was uncomfortable and crabby all day. Another point for the P-I sleeplessness.
Now, the pillow and sleeplessness were neck-in-neck, with me leaning toward buying a different pillow and trying my expensive experiment all over again.
Third Night Observations: (I'm getting to the Princess and the Pea part, bear with me a little longer!)
About an hour into being in bed trying to sleep, I had a realization that maybe the pockets on my sleepy pants were causing some of the hip pain. After removing them the pain decreased substantially. Facepalm. The hip pain coincided with me sleeping in said pants because we had people at our house, then because I was visiting my parents and did not want to be seen in my shorty-shorts on one of my middle-of-the-night bathroom trips.
The next piece of brilliance that God put into my head was that if my neck was sore, I should put something under it to support it. So, I curled up a bit of blanket and stuck it under my neck and voila...neck pain relief so sweet!
After these two revelations, I got two-and-a-half hours of blissful rest again. Then, my husband came to bed and I had the hardest time falling back asleep due to a number of complicating factors. After that, I slept for a full four hours in a row of good sleep. Four hours. That has been unheard of for quite some time...weeks even. I was ecstatic. So happy I couldn't sleep any more.
So, apparently, if any part of my body is even slightly uncomfortable, I cannot sleep. Pockets causing intense hip pain, really? That is why I think that the Princess must've been pregnant. I was pretty sure that if I had a pea under my mattress last night I would not have been able to sleep either. But my husband had better not test me if he reads this post, I would be most severely peeved if he tried it and I couldn't sleep. Sleep is too important to me now.
So, please rejoice with me in this news and with bated breath count down the days and hours until we can find out if the Mini-Miller is a boy or a girl. Things are looking up. I may just go back to bed for the sheer ability to do so...and sleep the day away! That sounds quite delightful to me right now...and I feel I've earned it.
I will have a picture for you early next week (maybe TWO pictures!!!!!) and a wonderful announcement, assuming all goes well.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
20 Weeks = HALF WAY POINT!!!
I cannot believe that I have made it to the half-way point already! Crazy!
Apparently, my uterus has reached my belly button and will only get bigger from here. :)
The Mini-Miller has reached approximately 6 1/2 inches from head to rump (about the size of a banana!), and weighs in at an impressive 10 1/2 ounces! From this point on, the updated lengths will be from head to toe! So exciting! I can't wait to find out about how long he/she is! The M-M is also practicing swallowing.
And, since I updated you last week without a picture, here is the prized picture.
And I even smiled this time... :) Just like I promised. I like to keep my promises.
In one week and two days we will find out if the M-M is a boy or girl...I am getting SO excited! I am still not sleeping well, but I am expecting a special pillow in the mail tomorrow and I hope that will help. I will let you know.
My visit with my grandma was a little stressful, she is doing ok right now but I am really not sure how much longer she has...which is very sad for my family. I have come to admire her tenacity and fighting spirit more through observing from the fringes of this cancer-journey. I give her so much credit for hanging in there and expressing excitement over meeting her "new great-grandchild" in January-ish; especially when things look bleak.
I got to hear a cute story of how my aunt Cheryl got her name and why my grandma has always pronounced it "chair-ill" instead of the traditional "Share-ill." Such a cute story and great memory for me. I now see where I get some of my desire for uniqueness from. :)
Anyway, that's all I have for now, since I just did a more in-depth update a few days ago. I will update again soon, especially if I find that I'm doing more amusing things...which I probably will.
Apparently, my uterus has reached my belly button and will only get bigger from here. :)
The Mini-Miller has reached approximately 6 1/2 inches from head to rump (about the size of a banana!), and weighs in at an impressive 10 1/2 ounces! From this point on, the updated lengths will be from head to toe! So exciting! I can't wait to find out about how long he/she is! The M-M is also practicing swallowing.
And, since I updated you last week without a picture, here is the prized picture.
And I even smiled this time... :) Just like I promised. I like to keep my promises.
In one week and two days we will find out if the M-M is a boy or girl...I am getting SO excited! I am still not sleeping well, but I am expecting a special pillow in the mail tomorrow and I hope that will help. I will let you know.
My visit with my grandma was a little stressful, she is doing ok right now but I am really not sure how much longer she has...which is very sad for my family. I have come to admire her tenacity and fighting spirit more through observing from the fringes of this cancer-journey. I give her so much credit for hanging in there and expressing excitement over meeting her "new great-grandchild" in January-ish; especially when things look bleak.
I got to hear a cute story of how my aunt Cheryl got her name and why my grandma has always pronounced it "chair-ill" instead of the traditional "Share-ill." Such a cute story and great memory for me. I now see where I get some of my desire for uniqueness from. :)
Anyway, that's all I have for now, since I just did a more in-depth update a few days ago. I will update again soon, especially if I find that I'm doing more amusing things...which I probably will.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
It's Been So Long...So Much To Write!
The past couple of weeks have been busy, I will explain below.
I got some sad news last week: my grandmother is growing weaker. She was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer earlier this year and underwent surgery to remove her colon, replacing it with a colostomy bag, and she has undergone one full round of chemo and is in round two.
She is hardly eating anything, because it all tastes terrible, and fell the week before last. We are not incredibly close, but I still love her and feel that the loss of her would be quite indescribable. I will be traveling two-and-a-half hours this weekend to say my good-byes.
I also was walking at work and felt a pop in my right knee--not the one I had surgery on almost two years ago. It swelled up a bit and I think I know what happened: my kneecap moved sideways (called a sublux). I had a similar experience with my left knee two-and-a-half years ago and so I freaked out at this a little bit.
At least this time I knew what to do: Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. So I did. That was more than a week ago, and after much prayer and rest I am happy to report that the pain has subsided for the most part. So, I will continue my current regimen of icing and elevating (elevating is good for my pregnant legs and ankles anyway) and resting so that I can slowly add in exercises to strengthen those muscles and the muscles in my hips (as the physical therapist taught me to do last time) and continue to pray that I do not have more knee problems while pregnant, as I do not think I could handle that right now. Oh, and if you want to pray for me as well, that is much appreciated. :)
I got another head cold. While my in-laws were here helping us fix up some nagging problems around the house. Which, while it was such a blessing to have them here helping, I would have much rather been able to help out too...instead of laying around struggling to breathe! These colds during pregnancy are quite insufferable!
Sleep is still a huuuuuuuge problem. Four hours just simply is not enough for me. So I broke down this week and spent a TON of money on a pillow...that got good reviews and I am hoping will be able to support me as I need in order to get said sleep; preferably in my bed. I can sleep ok on the couch, but long term I don't feel that is sustainable. Plus, I miss my hubby at night. :( I should receive my pillow in the mail in the next week...I've never been so excited for a pillow before!
Hmmm, after all that sad news above, I feel that you've earned an amusing story for bearing with me thus here goes:
I had to stop and pick up a pane of glass to fix a back door in our home. So, I stopped at the glass company (which shall remain nameless!) and noticed that it was rather nice, well nicer than I expected--mirrors of all shapes and sizes decorating the walls. I approached the counter and a tall bald man helped me pay for my order. He was nice enough. As I stood there waiting for my payment to process, a man walked through that looked like he was from a 70's or 80's TV show...complete with bushy mustache and mullet...yes, you heard me right, a full-fledged MULLET! I couldn't even laugh I was so stunned!
In the meantime, my payment processed and I was finished. As I struggled to put away my receipt in my wallet along with a few others, I innocently told the bald service rep: "I'll be out of your hair in just a minute."
I was then mortified. Absolutely mortified; as he glared back at me and I realized what I had inadvertently said to him. I slinked out of the store and vowed I would never return. So far, I've been able to hold myself to that promise; as that was my first time in the store in the six-odd years we've lived in GB.
I am still able to fit into my non-maternity jeans. They are REALLY comfortable while I'm standing up...not so much when sitting. So I have christened them my "Standing Pants". There is a comedian (Bob Smiley?) who tells of his wife buying shoes that are so cute, but completely uncomfortable to stand or walk in (anyone else guilty of this besides me?). He asks her if they are her "sitting shoes" or her "chess playing shoes". Well, they are my standing pants.
I suppose this would be the point where I would post a picture...well, I'm sorry to say that I don't have one. Not. A. One. I was too sick/my husband too busy this past weekend to take one. SO, you will have one next week. I promise.
I will give you a quickie update, though.
My energy levels fluctuate. I am not passed-out-on-the-couch-at-5:00 pm tired any more, but I am not fully up to my pre-pregnancy energy levels either. I do seem to have a bit more (especially in the morning) when I get more than 7 hours of I did last night. I was positively a peach this morning!
Cravings: I would say that since I've been sick, my desire to eat has been drastically reduced...but I sincerely wanted chocolate milk this week. Like REALLY wanted it. So, I would say that is my first official craving.
Other random observations: Is it normal to have the hair on your arms and stomach start to look longer than they've ever been before? I've never removed hair from my arms before, but I am tempted to now because it is so weirdly long. Is that a pregnancy side-effect or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
The Mini-Miller is kicking up quite the storm lately, over the past few days, and it makes me smile every time. I am taking joy in the little things. Ryan is so desperate to feel the little kicks. I do believe they are getting stronger and I am once again amazed at this experience that God has blessed me with.
I will check in soon!
I got some sad news last week: my grandmother is growing weaker. She was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer earlier this year and underwent surgery to remove her colon, replacing it with a colostomy bag, and she has undergone one full round of chemo and is in round two.
She is hardly eating anything, because it all tastes terrible, and fell the week before last. We are not incredibly close, but I still love her and feel that the loss of her would be quite indescribable. I will be traveling two-and-a-half hours this weekend to say my good-byes.
I also was walking at work and felt a pop in my right knee--not the one I had surgery on almost two years ago. It swelled up a bit and I think I know what happened: my kneecap moved sideways (called a sublux). I had a similar experience with my left knee two-and-a-half years ago and so I freaked out at this a little bit.
At least this time I knew what to do: Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. So I did. That was more than a week ago, and after much prayer and rest I am happy to report that the pain has subsided for the most part. So, I will continue my current regimen of icing and elevating (elevating is good for my pregnant legs and ankles anyway) and resting so that I can slowly add in exercises to strengthen those muscles and the muscles in my hips (as the physical therapist taught me to do last time) and continue to pray that I do not have more knee problems while pregnant, as I do not think I could handle that right now. Oh, and if you want to pray for me as well, that is much appreciated. :)
I got another head cold. While my in-laws were here helping us fix up some nagging problems around the house. Which, while it was such a blessing to have them here helping, I would have much rather been able to help out too...instead of laying around struggling to breathe! These colds during pregnancy are quite insufferable!
Sleep is still a huuuuuuuge problem. Four hours just simply is not enough for me. So I broke down this week and spent a TON of money on a pillow...that got good reviews and I am hoping will be able to support me as I need in order to get said sleep; preferably in my bed. I can sleep ok on the couch, but long term I don't feel that is sustainable. Plus, I miss my hubby at night. :( I should receive my pillow in the mail in the next week...I've never been so excited for a pillow before!
Hmmm, after all that sad news above, I feel that you've earned an amusing story for bearing with me thus here goes:
I had to stop and pick up a pane of glass to fix a back door in our home. So, I stopped at the glass company (which shall remain nameless!) and noticed that it was rather nice, well nicer than I expected--mirrors of all shapes and sizes decorating the walls. I approached the counter and a tall bald man helped me pay for my order. He was nice enough. As I stood there waiting for my payment to process, a man walked through that looked like he was from a 70's or 80's TV show...complete with bushy mustache and mullet...yes, you heard me right, a full-fledged MULLET! I couldn't even laugh I was so stunned!
In the meantime, my payment processed and I was finished. As I struggled to put away my receipt in my wallet along with a few others, I innocently told the bald service rep: "I'll be out of your hair in just a minute."
I was then mortified. Absolutely mortified; as he glared back at me and I realized what I had inadvertently said to him. I slinked out of the store and vowed I would never return. So far, I've been able to hold myself to that promise; as that was my first time in the store in the six-odd years we've lived in GB.
I am still able to fit into my non-maternity jeans. They are REALLY comfortable while I'm standing up...not so much when sitting. So I have christened them my "Standing Pants". There is a comedian (Bob Smiley?) who tells of his wife buying shoes that are so cute, but completely uncomfortable to stand or walk in (anyone else guilty of this besides me?). He asks her if they are her "sitting shoes" or her "chess playing shoes". Well, they are my standing pants.
I suppose this would be the point where I would post a picture...well, I'm sorry to say that I don't have one. Not. A. One. I was too sick/my husband too busy this past weekend to take one. SO, you will have one next week. I promise.
I will give you a quickie update, though.
My energy levels fluctuate. I am not passed-out-on-the-couch-at-5:00 pm tired any more, but I am not fully up to my pre-pregnancy energy levels either. I do seem to have a bit more (especially in the morning) when I get more than 7 hours of I did last night. I was positively a peach this morning!
Cravings: I would say that since I've been sick, my desire to eat has been drastically reduced...but I sincerely wanted chocolate milk this week. Like REALLY wanted it. So, I would say that is my first official craving.
Other random observations: Is it normal to have the hair on your arms and stomach start to look longer than they've ever been before? I've never removed hair from my arms before, but I am tempted to now because it is so weirdly long. Is that a pregnancy side-effect or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
The Mini-Miller is kicking up quite the storm lately, over the past few days, and it makes me smile every time. I am taking joy in the little things. Ryan is so desperate to feel the little kicks. I do believe they are getting stronger and I am once again amazed at this experience that God has blessed me with.
I will check in soon!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Doctor's Appointment and Forgotten Things
Well, today was my doctor's appointment. Here's what happened: not much. I went in there, was weighed (gained 2-ish pounds in the 6 weeks since my last appointment, which still puts my total weight gain since my first appointment at -1 pound), then escorted to the room.
We listened to the Mini-Miller's heartbeat (150's she said), I complained about my difficulties in actually sleeping, for which the doctor provided no answer (I didn't expect her to) and then went to the Ultrasound Department to schedule THE ultrasound where we will find out the Mini-Miller's name!!!
I wait with bated breath for Wednesday, September 5 at 8:30 am. I think I would've been able to find out sooner if the stupid Labor Day weekend hadn't messed things up for me. Oh foo bunnies!
We listened to the Mini-Miller's heartbeat (150's she said), I complained about my difficulties in actually sleeping, for which the doctor provided no answer (I didn't expect her to) and then went to the Ultrasound Department to schedule THE ultrasound where we will find out the Mini-Miller's name!!!
I wait with bated breath for Wednesday, September 5 at 8:30 am. I think I would've been able to find out sooner if the stupid Labor Day weekend hadn't messed things up for me. Oh foo bunnies!
Oh, and some of those interesting things I forgot to post about yesterday: I managed to put both my phone and sunglasses into my refrigerator overnight...I hope I haven't ruined my phone. Though, I suspect I might have and our contract isn't up until January...and I refuse to buy a new phone. Refuse.
My energy level seems to have gone up a little bit. A teensy-tiny bit, even though I'm still not sleeping well. Sorry to sound like a broken record and if anyone has suggestions, I am all ears....particularly if they don't cost too much money!
Cravings: whatever food combination that comes into my head consisting of ingredients we do not have at home...even when we have a refrigerator full of food (and, apparently other odds and ends that do not belong in there) and my husband has just gone grocery shopping. Oh, and beans, black beans, chili-with-beans, refried beans...but, as I stated in a previous post, beans are from the devil right I cannot have them. But they pretty much sound good all the time. I know, I'm strange. Deal with it...I have to!
Other random observations: When I stop and think about it, what is going on inside of me is pretty amazing. Pretty durn amazing what God is doing in and to my body.
The whole memory-loss thing is irritating and somewhat selective. I wish people in general were better at finishing my sentences. They need to work on that. :)
I think I've felt the M-M move this week. Like REALLY move.
I've read that others describe it as a "popping/gas/bubble" type dealio, but get ready for my description of what I've felt so far: it's like a heartbeat in another part of my body, only it doesn't match my heartbeat (I checked). And it was happening when I was leaning forward, probably making the M-M VERY uncomfortable.
Have you ever had that happen to you? When I described it to my hubby, he instinctively reached over and put his had on my belly (ironically, WAY too high) and said that he understood what I was talking about. If not, chalk it up to the craziness that I've already admitted to.
I'll let you know if anything else interesting happens this week...but probably not until next week...if I remember. :)
Other random observations: When I stop and think about it, what is going on inside of me is pretty amazing. Pretty durn amazing what God is doing in and to my body.
The whole memory-loss thing is irritating and somewhat selective. I wish people in general were better at finishing my sentences. They need to work on that. :)
I think I've felt the M-M move this week. Like REALLY move.
I've read that others describe it as a "popping/gas/bubble" type dealio, but get ready for my description of what I've felt so far: it's like a heartbeat in another part of my body, only it doesn't match my heartbeat (I checked). And it was happening when I was leaning forward, probably making the M-M VERY uncomfortable.
Have you ever had that happen to you? When I described it to my hubby, he instinctively reached over and put his had on my belly (ironically, WAY too high) and said that he understood what I was talking about. If not, chalk it up to the craziness that I've already admitted to.
I'll let you know if anything else interesting happens this week...but probably not until next week...if I remember. :)
Monday, August 13, 2012
18 Weeks, Leadership Conference, and the Church Picnic
Hello out there in blogger-land! This week has been a very interesting one...again. I guess I should stop saying that because every week is interesting. It was mostly good.
I hit 18 weeks on Saturday (maybe one of these days my good intentions will get the best of me and I will ACTUALLY post my weekly progress update on the day I hit it...) But most likely not. The Mini-Miller is about 5 1/2 inches long-- roughly the length of a bell pepper (from rump to crown). The M-M weighs about 7 ounces and is exercising their arms & legs. Which I am supposed to be able to feel soon...even though I suspect I already have. Not a lot, just occasionally. :)
I had the opportunity to attend the Willow Creek Association Leadership Summit via simulcast in Appleton last Thursday and Friday and I definitely got some things out of it. Although, I don't know what it is about watching people speak that brings out the Mystery-Science-Theater-3000-Robot in me...I just can't help poking some fun at the people who spoke.
Particularly Condoleezza Rice. God bless her, she was mildly interesting and obviously VERY well educated, intelligent and articulate, but her right hand was stuck in the same position for most of her speech. Slightly stretched out as if she was holding a coffee mug. Which I found hilarious...particularly when she waved it back and forth in front of her. I actually had to lean over to one of my pastors and seriously ask if something had happened to her to keep her hand frozen that way.
After that, I took one of my 8-10 bathroom breaks that day (I'm not kidding) and since we were "smart" enough to sit on the opposite side of the church's sanctuary from where the bathrooms were...I was gone for at least 7 minutes each time. I think I almost spent more time in the bathroom as I did in the sanctuary watching the simulcast. I had a lot of fun, though, and most enjoyed asking for and listening to my pastors' opinions on what we had heard.
In other news, I had my first pregnancy cold, which was awful, and contributed to many sleepless nights. But, I'm much better now and actually experienced almost perfect sleep the other night--slept for 4 hours, got up to use the bathroom, returned to bed and FELL BACK ASLEEP ALMOST RIGHT AWAY, then slept for about 4 more felt heavenly, as I have not gotten that much sleep in ages. Or at least it feels that way.
I also coordinated and led our church picnic this past Sunday. It was a success! Though pretty exhausting. And, I got sunburned (which could have contributed to the exhausting-factor). Writing this just reminded me to put some {more} aloe on it. So, if I look a little red in the update picture that I'm sure you're all just dying to see that's why. I tried smiling this week, so it looked less like a mug shot...maybe next time I'll even look at the camera and make a silly face...that is, if I remember.
That's about all for now. I'm sure more interesting things happened, but sadly I cannot remember. :'(
I do have a doctor appointment tomorrow and afterward we will set up the appointment for finding out the Mini-Miller's gender. I am beyond excited for that. I know that they will look at other things too, like the heart, lungs, and brain. But I trust that God has set those things in the order they are supposed to be. This was not my plan or in my timing, but nothing in my life is out of His hands and plan and control. So, I choose to trust Him and thank him for this miracle that is growing inside of me.
I am excited for all that this week has to offer.
I hit 18 weeks on Saturday (maybe one of these days my good intentions will get the best of me and I will ACTUALLY post my weekly progress update on the day I hit it...) But most likely not. The Mini-Miller is about 5 1/2 inches long-- roughly the length of a bell pepper (from rump to crown). The M-M weighs about 7 ounces and is exercising their arms & legs. Which I am supposed to be able to feel soon...even though I suspect I already have. Not a lot, just occasionally. :)
I had the opportunity to attend the Willow Creek Association Leadership Summit via simulcast in Appleton last Thursday and Friday and I definitely got some things out of it. Although, I don't know what it is about watching people speak that brings out the Mystery-Science-Theater-3000-Robot in me...I just can't help poking some fun at the people who spoke.
Particularly Condoleezza Rice. God bless her, she was mildly interesting and obviously VERY well educated, intelligent and articulate, but her right hand was stuck in the same position for most of her speech. Slightly stretched out as if she was holding a coffee mug. Which I found hilarious...particularly when she waved it back and forth in front of her. I actually had to lean over to one of my pastors and seriously ask if something had happened to her to keep her hand frozen that way.
After that, I took one of my 8-10 bathroom breaks that day (I'm not kidding) and since we were "smart" enough to sit on the opposite side of the church's sanctuary from where the bathrooms were...I was gone for at least 7 minutes each time. I think I almost spent more time in the bathroom as I did in the sanctuary watching the simulcast. I had a lot of fun, though, and most enjoyed asking for and listening to my pastors' opinions on what we had heard.
In other news, I had my first pregnancy cold, which was awful, and contributed to many sleepless nights. But, I'm much better now and actually experienced almost perfect sleep the other night--slept for 4 hours, got up to use the bathroom, returned to bed and FELL BACK ASLEEP ALMOST RIGHT AWAY, then slept for about 4 more felt heavenly, as I have not gotten that much sleep in ages. Or at least it feels that way.
I also coordinated and led our church picnic this past Sunday. It was a success! Though pretty exhausting. And, I got sunburned (which could have contributed to the exhausting-factor). Writing this just reminded me to put some {more} aloe on it. So, if I look a little red in the update picture that I'm sure you're all just dying to see that's why. I tried smiling this week, so it looked less like a mug shot...maybe next time I'll even look at the camera and make a silly face...that is, if I remember.
That's about all for now. I'm sure more interesting things happened, but sadly I cannot remember. :'(
I do have a doctor appointment tomorrow and afterward we will set up the appointment for finding out the Mini-Miller's gender. I am beyond excited for that. I know that they will look at other things too, like the heart, lungs, and brain. But I trust that God has set those things in the order they are supposed to be. This was not my plan or in my timing, but nothing in my life is out of His hands and plan and control. So, I choose to trust Him and thank him for this miracle that is growing inside of me.
I am excited for all that this week has to offer.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Cake Bombs and 17 Weeks
Well, this past week has been interesting to say the least.
I was woken up by my husband saying "Cake Bomb" to me around 3:00 am last Thursday night...I've felt stretching and changing, I believe that I now have a "baby belly" instead of just a "regular belly" and I hit the 17 week mark on Saturday.
What I find interesting are the dreams I'm having now...sometimes they have former coworkers that I am no longer in touch with or old school friends that I only see on Facebook. They are fascinating! The other night I dreamed that, for some unknown reason, Ryan was not around when I went into fact, NO ONE was in this strange world (very deepest dream world of the movie Inception...ironic) I gave birth all by myself. Then I found people, including my husband, and showed off my new baby and told them they were right--labor wasn't so bad, I didn't even really remember it!
I also dreamed that I was in JC Penny (somewhere I rarely go) shopping for baby clothes with a girl I graduated high school with that I haven't seen since I graduated! So strange. I've had others, my hubby and I were spies...though, I don't think that one was triggered by the "cake bomb" comment.
Oh, just to have this documented somewhere...Ryan also, about 4 weeks ago, shouted "GO!" at my face when I was sleeping...maybe that is the cause of my sleeplessness??? My adrenaline was pumping so hard, I asked him what had happened. No response. Well, he was breathing, but that wasn't the response I was looking for. So, I said his name...then again...then angrily...then I shook him awake and asked him what was going on. He told me he was dreaming. Great. In 8 years of marriage, I have never witnessed him talk in his sleep. Pregnancy doesn't just do strange things to me...but to him as well! That is an unexpected side effect.
So, 17 weeks...I'm actually to the point of being so forgetful that I had to put reminders into my iPod to tell me what week I'm at! Sad, really. Oh well, I'm hoping that my brain will eventually go back to "normal" and I will stop saying that I'm forgetful. A girl can dream.
Amusing, early last week I discovered an angry red line extending out both sides of my belly button about a half-inch. It hurt and was itchy and so I put some lotion on it to "heal" whatever had happened.
After a few days, I turned to Ryan and said, "Hey, I have this strange red line extending from my belly button, want to see it? I don't know what it is."
He agreed, and after studying it for a minute, very gently told me that he thinks they're stretch marks! I told him it would be cool, then, if they would extend equally around my belly button and form a sun "tattoo"! If I'm going to have more stretch marks, I might as well enjoy it, right? I am going to try not to get too bent out of shape about them.
This week the Mini-Miller is 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces! No wonder I feel more pregnant!
And, since I now feel comfortable sharing "bump" pictures......remember, I had a belly before, so it may take a while to notice any difference. Even though I already do. :) Also, another unexpected pregnancy side effect: acne. :(
I think that's about it for now.
Signing off!
I was woken up by my husband saying "Cake Bomb" to me around 3:00 am last Thursday night...I've felt stretching and changing, I believe that I now have a "baby belly" instead of just a "regular belly" and I hit the 17 week mark on Saturday.
What I find interesting are the dreams I'm having now...sometimes they have former coworkers that I am no longer in touch with or old school friends that I only see on Facebook. They are fascinating! The other night I dreamed that, for some unknown reason, Ryan was not around when I went into fact, NO ONE was in this strange world (very deepest dream world of the movie Inception...ironic) I gave birth all by myself. Then I found people, including my husband, and showed off my new baby and told them they were right--labor wasn't so bad, I didn't even really remember it!
I also dreamed that I was in JC Penny (somewhere I rarely go) shopping for baby clothes with a girl I graduated high school with that I haven't seen since I graduated! So strange. I've had others, my hubby and I were spies...though, I don't think that one was triggered by the "cake bomb" comment.
Oh, just to have this documented somewhere...Ryan also, about 4 weeks ago, shouted "GO!" at my face when I was sleeping...maybe that is the cause of my sleeplessness??? My adrenaline was pumping so hard, I asked him what had happened. No response. Well, he was breathing, but that wasn't the response I was looking for. So, I said his name...then again...then angrily...then I shook him awake and asked him what was going on. He told me he was dreaming. Great. In 8 years of marriage, I have never witnessed him talk in his sleep. Pregnancy doesn't just do strange things to me...but to him as well! That is an unexpected side effect.
So, 17 weeks...I'm actually to the point of being so forgetful that I had to put reminders into my iPod to tell me what week I'm at! Sad, really. Oh well, I'm hoping that my brain will eventually go back to "normal" and I will stop saying that I'm forgetful. A girl can dream.
Amusing, early last week I discovered an angry red line extending out both sides of my belly button about a half-inch. It hurt and was itchy and so I put some lotion on it to "heal" whatever had happened.
After a few days, I turned to Ryan and said, "Hey, I have this strange red line extending from my belly button, want to see it? I don't know what it is."
He agreed, and after studying it for a minute, very gently told me that he thinks they're stretch marks! I told him it would be cool, then, if they would extend equally around my belly button and form a sun "tattoo"! If I'm going to have more stretch marks, I might as well enjoy it, right? I am going to try not to get too bent out of shape about them.
This week the Mini-Miller is 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces! No wonder I feel more pregnant!
And, since I now feel comfortable sharing "bump" pictures......remember, I had a belly before, so it may take a while to notice any difference. Even though I already do. :) Also, another unexpected pregnancy side effect: acne. :(
I think that's about it for now.
Signing off!
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