AHHHH! Already 35 weeks! ONLY 5-ish more weeks to wait to meet my sweet little Declan! I am nervously excited. Luckily, I have other things to focus on for the next few weeks to keep me occupied.
Christmas gifts are coming along slowly but surely--this is one of my favorite things to do each year. To research and decide what gifts would be best for my family members and to figure out how to do it on the cheap! I have a few gifts that I'm very proud of this year, even if they are simple and inexpensive. I am trying to use up crafting supplies I already have so I can make more room for all the "stuff" that comes with a baby.
Maybe in the coming week(s) Ryan will help me organize Declan's room and "stuff" so that I don't have to strain my brain too much. I will have to pitch that to him in the next day or so. We are still working on picking up the last few things that we need for him--sheets for the bassinet, a swing, and a few other miscellaneous items.
Now for a Declan update--he is roughly 5 1/4 pounds (think the weight of a honeydew melon!) and probably more than 18 inches long! What a big boy he's becoming! Apparently his kidneys are fully developed, his liver can do its job, and since just about everything else is finished, he'll be "concentrating" on gaining weight. :) And, since there is less room in my womb because of how big he's getting (oh, I can attest to the less-room!) he is unlikely to do any more somersaults, which is ok because it feels kind of creepy when he does that.
As for me, I'm doing ok. It is definitely getting more difficult. My pelvis makes a "snapping" sound at night sometimes when I get up to use the bathroom--which is more frequently. I still do not sleep awesomely, but according to all my friends this will not go away until Declan is 17...I notice I feel more achey and get tired easily. Standing in my kitchen for a couple of hours on Friday really wore me out. My desire to go out and do things has begun to wane, I mostly just want to stay home and relax and prepare mentally for Declan's birth.
I am making some progress on my "Birth Bucket List" that I posted two weeks ago. Christmas stuff is almost finished. I started packing my hospital bag, continued organizing (and opening!) Declan's stuff, Ryan is washing all the clothing and accessories, I have some baby clothes hung in the closet and have picked out the "outfit" I want him to come home in, I am continuing to buy the "stuff" that we need for him, and a few necessities for myself.
I had a doctor appointment on Tuesday and was shocked to hear that Declan has dropped, I am 50% effaced and dilated less than a centimeter! I'm still four-and-a-half weeks from my due date, so I was not expecting anything. It's great, because the more work my body does before labor the better! Then, maybe, labor will be shorter? I am not sure about that one. And, no, my doc did not move up the due date and said, "It's unlikely he'll come the week of Christmas." So, I have until then at least.
Since he's dropped, it's been a bit more difficult to be pregnant than it was before. My lower back hurts more, occasionally I feel pressure on the bottom of my stomach or my pelvis. And every time I stand up I need to pee. Quite annoying right now. Also, I have to fight the urge to waddle because walking normally hurts more than it used to.
I, strangely and sadly, think I am better adjusting to getting up every two-ish hours to use the bathroom. Hopefully that will serve me well in the near future...with this being more difficult and uncomfortable, I am starting to get to the point where I'm ready to not be pregnant any more. I feel like I've waited a really long time and am ready to meet my little guy! To hold him and stare into his sweet little face, tracing the lines and figuring out who he most looks like. :) To get to know him and who God has created him to be. So excited.
My next "project" after I finish up Christmas stuff is to make a few baby blankets for Declan, since I didn't receive many as gifts as I predicted I would. I ordered and received some really cute flannel fabrics that I am excited to work with...and I think that sewing mostly straight lines is within my capabilities. I will have to post some pictures when I finish them...then everyone can laugh at, ahem, enjoy my lack of skill!
I was trying to delay posting this until I could get my photos from the past few weeks uploaded, but no dice! However, maybe over the weekend...Ryan's computer will be back to us and fixed and after he's done dorking around with it maybe he will upload the photos for me...I think it will be fun to see the change all in a row! I'm excited now.
Anyway, those are all the updates for now...thanks for stopping by to catch up with us!
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