Tuesday, October 23, 2012

28 Weeks = 7 Months ALREADY!

Whew!  The days are just flying by!

It's update time!  I'll start with little Declan...he is up to about 2 1/4 pounds and just under 15 inches long!  He can blink his eyes, which now have eyelashes!  (Sidenote:  I hope he has Ryan's nice eyelashes...)  His brain is developing rapidly and he is continuing to add baby fat in preparation for living outside of myself!

This time is just going by so fast, I am trying to remember all the good things about being pregnant!  I am honestly {mostly} enjoying this time in my life.

Some changes in the past week for me...I'm beginning to have some lower back soreness, I still have to be careful about leg cramps at night.  I got two nights of W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L sleep last week followed by some not-so-great sleep.

I've been having some HORRIBLE dreams...ones that are too bad to even repeat.  I'm sad that they aren't funny or enjoyable anymore, just AWFUL, things that I'm doing in them that I would n.e.v.e.r. do in real life.  Then, when I wake up from them I feel like I've escaped from them, almost like I was stuck in them!  A couple of times I've woken Ryan up to ask if something was real or not...icky nightmares!  It makes sleeping really not so much fun on top of waking every three hours or so to use the bathroom.

I got really upset this past weekend and had to work on my breathing to calm down after some rather scary effects (I think I hyperventilated, though since I've never done it before, I'm not sure).  This "episode" just convinced me that I need to be extremely careful about my emotions and allowing myself to get THAT upset over something that can be changed or fixed or mitigated.

I've still not been sleeping well, my hips hurt a lot when I lay on one side for a few hours to sleep, so I find I have to switch sides often and sometimes stretch out the hips in the middle of the night in order to get back to sleep.  But, I'm doing ok otherwise.


I get to feel Declan kick all the time!  And he's getting stronger!  Sometimes he flips over and it feels sooooooo strange!  Even though his antics sometimes prevent me from falling asleep/back asleep I would rather that than he stop suddenly.  He still likes to lodge himself up underneath the right side of my ribcage, which is rather uncomfortable.  I just rub the part that is lodged, tell him I love him but that he's hurting mommy and after a while he moves back down to a more comfortable position (for me).  I'm starting to long to hold him in my arms, but I'm not asking him to hurry up.  He will come when the time is right.  :)

I must note that I am glad I've kept up with this blog--I just got a gift from my sister-in-law of a baby book where I can write down a lot of the information that I've been keeping in this blog!  Now, I won't ever forget.  I'm excited to start compiling the information in it.  They also sent us the sweetest onesie--it's a long-sleeved faux tuxedo!  I'm excited to stuff the little man into that one and snap a picture to send to his wonderful and thoughtful aunt and uncle!

I can't think of much else to write about, so I will give you my pregnancy update picture.  Enjoy!

And, no, that's NOT my belly button poking out at the apex of my belly--that is still intact as a belly button!

I hope you have a great week; thanks for stopping by to check in on us!


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