So...I've hit the 15 week mark. And now that people know, they are starting to ask how I'm feeling. How I'm doing.
Here is my answer...
No, seriously. SOMEhow, even though I know what's going on this time, it seems to be harder than the first!
Now, I'm not sure if this is because I'm carrying around more weight to begin with than last time, or if it's because I'm five years older now (over 30) or if it's because I can't just go home and sit on the couch and rest after work (I have this little person who hangs around me and needs to eat daily, have semi-regular baths, and requests that I play with him!).
So, if you've been missing my companionship lately, please understand that it's because it's taking up so much of my daily non-replenishing energy stores to make it through each day that I don't have anything extra to devote to anything fun. Boo. There, I said it.
I'm exhausted. All. The. Time. I could fall asleep at 6:30 pm every day and sleep until 8:00 am.
I'm suuuuuuuuuuper crabby (my poor son and husband!).
I'm overly emotional. (No, even mooooore than usual!!!)
Food doesn't sound good. Not even chocolate. (No, I'm not sick, I'm pregnant!!!)
I keep thinking that now that I'm in my second tri that I will reap that energy boost...hasn't happened yet. And, since I've been through this before, I know that it's not going to get much better.
All this is to say that it's harder.
Oh, and I'm already wearing maternity clothes. I've somehow managed to grow enough that I don't fit into many of my regular clothes, even though I haven't gained any weight.
My sister was kind enough to drop off two garbage bags of maternity clothes and I've been going through them each morning this week to try and find something to wear.
Surprisingly, the maternity capris are really comfy, even though they come up over my belly!!! I don't have to worry about anyone behind me seeing anything when I'm bending over or getting out of the car.
I feel like leggings are going to be my best friend with this pregnancy. We shall see.
I'd love to hear any tips for surviving the 2nd pregnancy!!!
~ Nicole ~
And Everywhere She Went, Beauty Followed
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Wow...Has Life EVER Happened in Four Years
Hello to my adoring public!
[Insert laughter here]
Wow, has it ever been a long time since I've blogged something. And has life ever happened in the last four years. So much has changed.
Let me catch you all up. Just in case you've read the old posts and are wondering what's happened in FOUR YEARS!
Well, I gave birth to Declan.
My marriage to Ryan ended.
I took a year to heal.
I got married to a long time friend last July.
I am pregnant again.
Four years of changes in me and my life covered in less than 35 words. So many emotions, lessons, tears, and laughs covered in so few words. Maybe I will write about that time some day. But not now.
For now, I just want to share my pregnancy updates with those who care and maybe, just maybe, I can share some fun, wisdom, and what God is teaching me today.
Life is meant to be shared, so here's me doing my part.
~ Nicole ~
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
39 Weeks...9.75 Months Pregnant!
So, on Saturday I hit the 39 week mark. I truly thought Declan would've made his appearance by now!
On Sunday afternoon/evening I started having contractions again, regular enough for me to time, but not consistently regular. I'll tell you what, all these "warm up contractions" (Braxton Hicks) are wearing me out! I can only imagine what the real things will be like!
Fast forward almost six months. That was the last pregnancy pic I took of myself before the birth of Declan on January 15 at 12:07 am.
How much of life has changed since then! I should take a side-pic of myself for fun now...hahaha! Or maybe not. Definitely not as exciting!
On Sunday afternoon/evening I started having contractions again, regular enough for me to time, but not consistently regular. I'll tell you what, all these "warm up contractions" (Braxton Hicks) are wearing me out! I can only imagine what the real things will be like!
Fast forward almost six months. That was the last pregnancy pic I took of myself before the birth of Declan on January 15 at 12:07 am.
How much of life has changed since then! I should take a side-pic of myself for fun now...hahaha! Or maybe not. Definitely not as exciting!
Monday, December 31, 2012
38 Weeks = 9.5 Months Pregnant
So, I've been sharing an analogy with people lately about being ready to not be pregnant anymore. It's not that it is too hard, physically, difficult and tiring--yes, but my body is not screaming out in agony all the time, "GET THIS KID OUT!"
No, it's more like the thinking that there are two types of people in this world: those who when going swimming and entering the water for the first time creep in, inch by inch, so they can get acclimated to the cold water temperature gradually and there are those that run past that person and scream, "CANNONBALL!" just to get it over with.
I feel like I've combined the two with pregnancy--that I'm currently in about up to my belly button and am ready to just plunge my upper body below the water, face first, to emerge and adjust to life as it is when I stand back up.
I am ready to stop expecting a change and ready to experience it. I am ready to explore what it is like to be a mom and to discover what our new family's new normal will be. To end this holding pattern; like I'm flying in a plane and we're circling the airport waiting for a runway to open up--I can't control when one opens up, I just know that it will happen before the plane runs out of fuel but I'm anxious to get to my destination.
I am ready to take on new challenges, climb new mountains, claw my way out of new valleys, and work together with Ryan to "figure out" this whole parenting thing, a new chapter in our lives (maybe a whole new book!).
As I reflect on 2012; there have been many changes and ups and downs. Just like everyone else. I have learned much about myself, my husband, my family relationships--all have been strained by events and circumstances beyond our control and influenced by our own choices. I feel like I've grown up a bit more, in ways that were probably overdue, that I can look at life with a slightly different perspective. I am glad that I have not ended 2012 the same as when I started it and I thank my God for working that in me, as it is not of me. I cannot effect that kind of change in my own life that will stay.
Ok, enough of the "deep thoughts". ;) I had another doctor appointment that ended in disappointment on Friday: no progress. So, all those BH contractions on Sunday didn't accomplish a whole lot, at least not according to the doctor.
Speaking of the doctor, has anyone else ever gotten strange "compliments" from a doctor? One time I was told that I have BEA-U-Tiful veins (for a blood draw) and Friday it was: "You have a great baby-birthing pelvis." Encouraging, kinda, and also kind of awkward. At least, for me it was. I think the doc was mainly trying to encourage me because I hadn't made any progress, really, and then repeated what was said earlier: "You could come in in labor tomorrow."
Doc was wrong, I didn't. Apparently, could have but didn't. Hmm, wonder what the difference is. I just breathe and remind myself that Declan will come at the appointed time and it will be perfectly right. I tried to convince God that New Year's Eve was the correct time, as we didn't have any plans...yes, I am stooping to try and convince God. At least I think he has a sense of humor about it...
My back is sore and I get stiff if I sit for too long, I can't stand through the whole worship singing time at church--had to sit down part way through, and had a hard time getting comfortable after that. I feel lots of pressure on my lower abdomen when I stand or walk around. Still slight swelling in the legs/ankles, nothing too major. I haven't noticed a "burst of energy" called "nesting" at all, but Ryan did point out that since I {actually} got some decent sleep on Saturday night I got up and made breakfast Sunday morning...apparently, he thinks THAT is nesting. I don't know if I agree. I am tired pretty much all the time and sometimes find it hard to focus and think.
And, lastly, I am pretty sure if this kid doesn't come out soon, that I will "meet" the inside of my belly button. I wonder if it happens like those things in turkeys at Thanksgiving...
Below are more lame pics that I just couldn't decide between...better than none at all!
Well, not much left for Declan to do, but here's the update anyway! He is already over 6.8 pounds (another comment from the doc on Friday: "Well, it looks like you're not going to have a 5 or 6 pound baby..." I'm just praying he's not 9 pounds or more!) and 19.5 inches long (apparently, like a leek!). He has a firm grasp (which I hope to test out soon!) and all his internal organs have matured and are ready for life outside the mama! Now all we're waiting on is for him to make his grand entrance!
That's about all I can think of right now (or remember!). Thanks for stopping by to catch up with us, from my "new" family to yours, we wish you a Happy New Year!
No, it's more like the thinking that there are two types of people in this world: those who when going swimming and entering the water for the first time creep in, inch by inch, so they can get acclimated to the cold water temperature gradually and there are those that run past that person and scream, "CANNONBALL!" just to get it over with.
I feel like I've combined the two with pregnancy--that I'm currently in about up to my belly button and am ready to just plunge my upper body below the water, face first, to emerge and adjust to life as it is when I stand back up.
I am ready to stop expecting a change and ready to experience it. I am ready to explore what it is like to be a mom and to discover what our new family's new normal will be. To end this holding pattern; like I'm flying in a plane and we're circling the airport waiting for a runway to open up--I can't control when one opens up, I just know that it will happen before the plane runs out of fuel but I'm anxious to get to my destination.
I am ready to take on new challenges, climb new mountains, claw my way out of new valleys, and work together with Ryan to "figure out" this whole parenting thing, a new chapter in our lives (maybe a whole new book!).
As I reflect on 2012; there have been many changes and ups and downs. Just like everyone else. I have learned much about myself, my husband, my family relationships--all have been strained by events and circumstances beyond our control and influenced by our own choices. I feel like I've grown up a bit more, in ways that were probably overdue, that I can look at life with a slightly different perspective. I am glad that I have not ended 2012 the same as when I started it and I thank my God for working that in me, as it is not of me. I cannot effect that kind of change in my own life that will stay.
Ok, enough of the "deep thoughts". ;) I had another doctor appointment that ended in disappointment on Friday: no progress. So, all those BH contractions on Sunday didn't accomplish a whole lot, at least not according to the doctor.
Speaking of the doctor, has anyone else ever gotten strange "compliments" from a doctor? One time I was told that I have BEA-U-Tiful veins (for a blood draw) and Friday it was: "You have a great baby-birthing pelvis." Encouraging, kinda, and also kind of awkward. At least, for me it was. I think the doc was mainly trying to encourage me because I hadn't made any progress, really, and then repeated what was said earlier: "You could come in in labor tomorrow."
Doc was wrong, I didn't. Apparently, could have but didn't. Hmm, wonder what the difference is. I just breathe and remind myself that Declan will come at the appointed time and it will be perfectly right. I tried to convince God that New Year's Eve was the correct time, as we didn't have any plans...yes, I am stooping to try and convince God. At least I think he has a sense of humor about it...
My back is sore and I get stiff if I sit for too long, I can't stand through the whole worship singing time at church--had to sit down part way through, and had a hard time getting comfortable after that. I feel lots of pressure on my lower abdomen when I stand or walk around. Still slight swelling in the legs/ankles, nothing too major. I haven't noticed a "burst of energy" called "nesting" at all, but Ryan did point out that since I {actually} got some decent sleep on Saturday night I got up and made breakfast Sunday morning...apparently, he thinks THAT is nesting. I don't know if I agree. I am tired pretty much all the time and sometimes find it hard to focus and think.
And, lastly, I am pretty sure if this kid doesn't come out soon, that I will "meet" the inside of my belly button. I wonder if it happens like those things in turkeys at Thanksgiving...
Below are more lame pics that I just couldn't decide between...better than none at all!
38 Weeks! |
Well, not much left for Declan to do, but here's the update anyway! He is already over 6.8 pounds (another comment from the doc on Friday: "Well, it looks like you're not going to have a 5 or 6 pound baby..." I'm just praying he's not 9 pounds or more!) and 19.5 inches long (apparently, like a leek!). He has a firm grasp (which I hope to test out soon!) and all his internal organs have matured and are ready for life outside the mama! Now all we're waiting on is for him to make his grand entrance!
That's about all I can think of right now (or remember!). Thanks for stopping by to catch up with us, from my "new" family to yours, we wish you a Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
37 Weeks...Sheesh!
So, I hit the 37 week mark......and now I'm ready to be done being pregnant--see explanation below.
I thought I was going into labor on Sunday, waking up at 3:30 am with pretty steady, mild intensity, contractions that lasted throughout the day. They didn't get any stronger or regularly time-able--the interval between contractions was variable anywhere from a minute or so to an hour. When I checked my handout from my doctor, it called them "warm up contractions" that can be an early sign of labor. I guess I missed the words "can be" and thought they were different (because of their steadiness and the length of time they spanned) than the Braxton Hicks contractions I had previously experienced.
I am a {little} disappointed, because I got excited and then the big event didn't happen. Boo. They were pretty tiring too, after each contraction it seemed that Declan would get mad at being squeezed and would "thrash about" for a while, sometimes until the next one, or he would push with his feet/butt against the top of my uterus, creating uncomfortable pressure. I just tried to relax and "roll with it." What I guess I really hope my body accomplished is that I'll be more effaced or dilated at my next check up on Friday. Also, I suppose I should be careful what I pray for, as I asked God for more BH contractions to accomplish more "progress" before going into labor...
It also seems that my baby belly is "sliding or slipping" off of my body--dramatic change in the position of my belly to the point where my mom and aunt noticed a change overnight! I would assume this means Declan has dropped further, though it doesn't feel like his head is that much further into my pelvis. I do notice that it is even more difficult to walk and to stand for more than a few minutes. It is more difficult to get comfortable at night and to motivate myself to get up and move around during the day. I pretty much just want to sit like a bump on a pickle.
It is a little more difficult now that I'm so close and don't have Christmas to focus on anymore--Declan's arrival is the next BIG event (aside from Ryan's birthday, which I've already finished my shopping for--thank you's Prime account!). So, that is what I suppose I'm focusing on more. I have noticed I am more emotional {insert random crying breakdown here} and fighting irritation and restlessness--I don't want to just sit around but it's too tiring to do anything, especially anything that requires a lot of brain power or is outside our home. I'm tired of expecting this big, scary life change and am ready to tackle it head-on--the anxiety increases in the "waiting". Waiting has never been my strong suit...
Just about everything that can be ready for Declan is ready...his room is as ready as it is going to be--if the violin and a sign don't get on the wall RIGHT NOW, he won't notice it and I'm sure it won't make a difference to me for a loooooooong time. I think I have everything I need for him (again, thank you!). I have my hospital bag pretty much ready--I organized it yesterday and so feel better about it than when I was just randomly stuffing items into it when I would remember that I wanted to take that item with me. I finished copying some Bible verses that I want to take with me to the hospital for encouragement, Ryan made a playlist of soothing music to play for me...
I made/modified four nursing tanks on Christmas, which was SUPER easy, by the way. Now I probably should try them on with my nursing bras to make sure they really do function properly. Total cost for four of them was about $15...I have another two to convert as well that were $4 each...making the total cost about $25 (including materials that I already had--needle & thread) for 6 nursing tanks. I was having trouble finding them in my size for a reasonable amount of money and when I searched the internet for "DIY nursing tank" several websites came up with reasonable instructions. It made me feel uber accomplished!
Back to Declan: he is considered to be full term now (even though a full pregnancy is 40 weeks as discussed in a previous post), which means if he came now his lungs would likely be ready to adjust to breathe air. He weighs at least 6 1/3 pounds (I suspect more) and is about 19 inches long.
37 Weeks...take 1! |
37 Weeks... take 2! I couldn't figure out which pic was I posted both! |
I think I look like I'm holding a BIG balloon under my shirt! Hahaha! Or Declan is reclining in an upside-down "L"! Not too much of a problem with swelling either, just a bit at the end of the day that is pretty easily taken care of by keeping my feet elevated. My brain works in random ways nowadays.
Well, that's about all I can think of to update you on for this past week...thanks for stopping by to check in on us! Have a Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
It's official. I've reached 36 weeks and we have our technical difficulties fixed. I have a full FOUR weeks of pictures to share, and I'm eager to do so! Without further ado...
32 Weeks |
33 Weeks |
34 Weeks |
35 Weeks |
Whew! I feel like I just slow-motion watched myself grow! It's wonderful! No new changes this week that I'm aware of except that I have such a bad cold! It kept me down all weekend when I needed to be preparing for Christmas weekend where we'll have Ryan's family here Friday/Saturday and my family here Sunday/Monday! Yay for family time, not so yay for Nicole not having gifts ready! Actually, I think I'm mostly finished. Just a few finishing touches on a few things and I'm ready to go, I'll be able to check that off my Six Week Bucket List!
To update you on THAT progress, I've gotten just about everything I think I'll need for Declan, Ryan and I took time to in-depth organize his room, we still need to set up the bassinet, buy nursing gear, finish packing that pesky hospital bag and finish the curtains for the room and then I'll be ready! Though, I somehow think that I'll find something else to put on a "to-do list" when I've finished these!
I also, in between hacking up a lung, sewed three blankets for Declan that I'm SUPREMELY proud of! You know those people that couldn't do ___________ (fill in the blank) to get out of a paper bag? Well, I couldn't sew a straight line to get out of a paper bag! Which is fine by me, these are not gifts that I'm making for someone else, just for me. So, if they're not perfect, I don't really care--they're done and I made them while pregnant. End of story. Below are some low quality pictures of them.
"I love my family" "One big crazy family" "Happy Together" This one definitely rivals the "I love Mommy, I love Daddy" design below for my favorite! |
In other news...Declan is gaining about an ounce per day and weighs about 6 pounds! He's more than 18 1/2 inches long too! He's losing the downy hair that covered his body as well as the waxy vernix stuff that protected his skin from the amniotic fluid. Next week he'll be considered full term! That's this coming Saturday! I'm too excited for words, he could come any time, truly! And all my waiting (rather patiently, I must add!) will have paid off!
I hope you all have a great week! Thanks for stopping by to catch up with us!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
35 Weeks :: The Unexpected Progress
AHHHH! Already 35 weeks! ONLY 5-ish more weeks to wait to meet my sweet little Declan! I am nervously excited. Luckily, I have other things to focus on for the next few weeks to keep me occupied.
Christmas gifts are coming along slowly but surely--this is one of my favorite things to do each year. To research and decide what gifts would be best for my family members and to figure out how to do it on the cheap! I have a few gifts that I'm very proud of this year, even if they are simple and inexpensive. I am trying to use up crafting supplies I already have so I can make more room for all the "stuff" that comes with a baby.
Maybe in the coming week(s) Ryan will help me organize Declan's room and "stuff" so that I don't have to strain my brain too much. I will have to pitch that to him in the next day or so. We are still working on picking up the last few things that we need for him--sheets for the bassinet, a swing, and a few other miscellaneous items.
Now for a Declan update--he is roughly 5 1/4 pounds (think the weight of a honeydew melon!) and probably more than 18 inches long! What a big boy he's becoming! Apparently his kidneys are fully developed, his liver can do its job, and since just about everything else is finished, he'll be "concentrating" on gaining weight. :) And, since there is less room in my womb because of how big he's getting (oh, I can attest to the less-room!) he is unlikely to do any more somersaults, which is ok because it feels kind of creepy when he does that.
As for me, I'm doing ok. It is definitely getting more difficult. My pelvis makes a "snapping" sound at night sometimes when I get up to use the bathroom--which is more frequently. I still do not sleep awesomely, but according to all my friends this will not go away until Declan is 17...I notice I feel more achey and get tired easily. Standing in my kitchen for a couple of hours on Friday really wore me out. My desire to go out and do things has begun to wane, I mostly just want to stay home and relax and prepare mentally for Declan's birth.
I am making some progress on my "Birth Bucket List" that I posted two weeks ago. Christmas stuff is almost finished. I started packing my hospital bag, continued organizing (and opening!) Declan's stuff, Ryan is washing all the clothing and accessories, I have some baby clothes hung in the closet and have picked out the "outfit" I want him to come home in, I am continuing to buy the "stuff" that we need for him, and a few necessities for myself.
I had a doctor appointment on Tuesday and was shocked to hear that Declan has dropped, I am 50% effaced and dilated less than a centimeter! I'm still four-and-a-half weeks from my due date, so I was not expecting anything. It's great, because the more work my body does before labor the better! Then, maybe, labor will be shorter? I am not sure about that one. And, no, my doc did not move up the due date and said, "It's unlikely he'll come the week of Christmas." So, I have until then at least.
Since he's dropped, it's been a bit more difficult to be pregnant than it was before. My lower back hurts more, occasionally I feel pressure on the bottom of my stomach or my pelvis. And every time I stand up I need to pee. Quite annoying right now. Also, I have to fight the urge to waddle because walking normally hurts more than it used to.
I, strangely and sadly, think I am better adjusting to getting up every two-ish hours to use the bathroom. Hopefully that will serve me well in the near future...with this being more difficult and uncomfortable, I am starting to get to the point where I'm ready to not be pregnant any more. I feel like I've waited a really long time and am ready to meet my little guy! To hold him and stare into his sweet little face, tracing the lines and figuring out who he most looks like. :) To get to know him and who God has created him to be. So excited.
My next "project" after I finish up Christmas stuff is to make a few baby blankets for Declan, since I didn't receive many as gifts as I predicted I would. I ordered and received some really cute flannel fabrics that I am excited to work with...and I think that sewing mostly straight lines is within my capabilities. I will have to post some pictures when I finish them...then everyone can laugh at, ahem, enjoy my lack of skill!
I was trying to delay posting this until I could get my photos from the past few weeks uploaded, but no dice! However, maybe over the weekend...Ryan's computer will be back to us and fixed and after he's done dorking around with it maybe he will upload the photos for me...I think it will be fun to see the change all in a row! I'm excited now.
Anyway, those are all the updates for now...thanks for stopping by to catch up with us!
Christmas gifts are coming along slowly but surely--this is one of my favorite things to do each year. To research and decide what gifts would be best for my family members and to figure out how to do it on the cheap! I have a few gifts that I'm very proud of this year, even if they are simple and inexpensive. I am trying to use up crafting supplies I already have so I can make more room for all the "stuff" that comes with a baby.
Maybe in the coming week(s) Ryan will help me organize Declan's room and "stuff" so that I don't have to strain my brain too much. I will have to pitch that to him in the next day or so. We are still working on picking up the last few things that we need for him--sheets for the bassinet, a swing, and a few other miscellaneous items.
Now for a Declan update--he is roughly 5 1/4 pounds (think the weight of a honeydew melon!) and probably more than 18 inches long! What a big boy he's becoming! Apparently his kidneys are fully developed, his liver can do its job, and since just about everything else is finished, he'll be "concentrating" on gaining weight. :) And, since there is less room in my womb because of how big he's getting (oh, I can attest to the less-room!) he is unlikely to do any more somersaults, which is ok because it feels kind of creepy when he does that.
As for me, I'm doing ok. It is definitely getting more difficult. My pelvis makes a "snapping" sound at night sometimes when I get up to use the bathroom--which is more frequently. I still do not sleep awesomely, but according to all my friends this will not go away until Declan is 17...I notice I feel more achey and get tired easily. Standing in my kitchen for a couple of hours on Friday really wore me out. My desire to go out and do things has begun to wane, I mostly just want to stay home and relax and prepare mentally for Declan's birth.
I am making some progress on my "Birth Bucket List" that I posted two weeks ago. Christmas stuff is almost finished. I started packing my hospital bag, continued organizing (and opening!) Declan's stuff, Ryan is washing all the clothing and accessories, I have some baby clothes hung in the closet and have picked out the "outfit" I want him to come home in, I am continuing to buy the "stuff" that we need for him, and a few necessities for myself.
I had a doctor appointment on Tuesday and was shocked to hear that Declan has dropped, I am 50% effaced and dilated less than a centimeter! I'm still four-and-a-half weeks from my due date, so I was not expecting anything. It's great, because the more work my body does before labor the better! Then, maybe, labor will be shorter? I am not sure about that one. And, no, my doc did not move up the due date and said, "It's unlikely he'll come the week of Christmas." So, I have until then at least.
Since he's dropped, it's been a bit more difficult to be pregnant than it was before. My lower back hurts more, occasionally I feel pressure on the bottom of my stomach or my pelvis. And every time I stand up I need to pee. Quite annoying right now. Also, I have to fight the urge to waddle because walking normally hurts more than it used to.
I, strangely and sadly, think I am better adjusting to getting up every two-ish hours to use the bathroom. Hopefully that will serve me well in the near future...with this being more difficult and uncomfortable, I am starting to get to the point where I'm ready to not be pregnant any more. I feel like I've waited a really long time and am ready to meet my little guy! To hold him and stare into his sweet little face, tracing the lines and figuring out who he most looks like. :) To get to know him and who God has created him to be. So excited.
My next "project" after I finish up Christmas stuff is to make a few baby blankets for Declan, since I didn't receive many as gifts as I predicted I would. I ordered and received some really cute flannel fabrics that I am excited to work with...and I think that sewing mostly straight lines is within my capabilities. I will have to post some pictures when I finish them...then everyone can laugh at, ahem, enjoy my lack of skill!
I was trying to delay posting this until I could get my photos from the past few weeks uploaded, but no dice! However, maybe over the weekend...Ryan's computer will be back to us and fixed and after he's done dorking around with it maybe he will upload the photos for me...I think it will be fun to see the change all in a row! I'm excited now.
Anyway, those are all the updates for now...thanks for stopping by to catch up with us!
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