Thursday, June 29, 2017

Wow...Has Life EVER Happened in Four Years

Hello to my adoring public!

[Insert laughter here]

Wow, has it ever been a long time since I've blogged something. And has life ever happened in the last four years. So much has changed.

Let me catch you all up. Just in case you've read the old posts and are wondering what's happened in FOUR YEARS!


Well, I gave birth to Declan.

My marriage to Ryan ended.

I took a year to heal.

I got married to a long time friend last July.

I am pregnant again.


Four years of changes in me and my life covered in less than 35 words. So many emotions, lessons, tears, and laughs covered in so few words. Maybe I will write about that time some day. But not now.

For now, I just want to share my pregnancy updates with those who care and maybe, just maybe, I can share some fun, wisdom, and what God is teaching me today. 

Life is meant to be shared, so here's me doing my part.


~ Nicole ~

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

39 Weeks...9.75 Months Pregnant!

So, on Saturday I hit the 39 week mark.  I truly thought Declan would've made his appearance by now!

On Sunday afternoon/evening I started having contractions again, regular enough for me to time, but not consistently regular.  I'll tell you what, all these "warm up contractions" (Braxton Hicks) are wearing me out!  I can only imagine what the real things will be like!


Fast forward almost six months.  That was the last pregnancy pic I took of myself before the birth of Declan on January 15 at 12:07 am.

How much of life has changed since then!  I should take a side-pic of myself for fun now...hahaha!  Or maybe not.  Definitely not as exciting!

