Tuesday, July 31, 2012

16 Weeks and Counting!

I hit the 16 week (4 month) mark on Saturday.  Yay!  Every week seems to simultaneously fly by and crawl like a snail.  Which is strange.  I’ve not experienced that before.

The Mini-Miller is now 4 1/2 inches from crown to rump, approximately the size of an avocado, weighs about 3 1/2 ounces and is developing toenails!  SO exciting!

This week my energy level is slightly less than normal.  I am pretty tired as I’m not sleeping enough...still.  But it’s hard for me to judge as we facilitated a funeral luncheon at work that I helped out with and those are always exhausting—pregnant or not.  

Cravings:  none, really.  Maybe quesadillas or Mexican food—chips & salsa sounds good...in reality, I will eat anything that isn’t a salad or that I don’t have to make.  There is nothing that stands out to me as a super-strong, I-must-have-that-or-I-will-die craving at this time.

Other thoughts & observations:  It is work to be pregnant.  Definitely not easy.  My back already hurts a bit and it seems that every day my body is different than it was the day before. Oh, and beans are of the devil.  Seriously.  And fried foods are also evil (which is a good thing, except when traveling...).

Eventually I will post pictures with these weekly posts, when I feel like there is something to track.  :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sleep...and Other Random Thoughts

I told my husband this morning that I started a blog.  He told me he thought it would be a good idea, though it would be all about me complaining about being pregnant.  I told him he was wrong.  He is the only person who gets to hear all my complaints...since he is 50% responsible for the current condition I find myself in.  Ha.

Moving on...while I was supposed to be sleeping last night at 3:45 am, I think I felt the baby move for the first time!  It felt like a ripple or a flutter...and kind of made up for not being able to sleep.  So, we shall see if I feel it more or if I am just overly-eager to feel something and made it up.

I told a friend today that I wished I had a sign on my forehead or a disclaimer before speaking that announces:  "I'm pregnant.  I will say stupid things.  I will forget your name even if I've known you for years.  Be patient with me.  Please."  I almost said good-bye to a guy on the phone yesterday using his last name: "Bye, Smith!"  I only ever call him by his first name and had to save it like this:  "Bye, Sm-Jeff.  Have a great day!"

I can hardly wait for all the other stupid things I will say (and probably do), as I've already (pre-pregnancy) made my fair share of gaffes.  And someday, I'll get to tell this little one all about them...to make them feel better for something they've said that unintentionally made others laugh.  Oh, baby, I can hardly wait to be your Momma!


~ N ~

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

And So It Begins...

I will state that the purpose of this blog is to keep my family updated on my pregnancy (due January 12th, 2013) and to share some of my creativity with the world.  And so it begins.

I am currently 15 weeks along with my first pregnancy.  Everything is new to me.  I hope to be real and possibly amusing at the same time.